Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Secret smokers are all around!

Have you ever lied about your smoking habit? According to the latest survey commissioned by Boots “one in 10 people is a secret smoker’. Smoking is an unwanted habit in Britain and therefore some smokers are trying to hide it in front of their relatives, friends, even a doctor and an employer, to make them believe that they have given up or have never smoked at all.

The poll has also found that: “smokers in London are more likely to keep their habit secret”. We are more conscious of what other people are saying about us in London than in the rest of the UK. Amanda Sandford who represents the charity Action on Smoking and Health told BBC that: “Denying the habit won’t help, and smokers who hide the habit may find it harder to give up”.

The survey has reported that: “Seven out of 10 secret smokers admitted that they would like to give up for good this year.” The smoking ban that will come in force in July will hopefully make them quit. Surprisingly, secret smokers are not aware of the health risk of their secret habit. Angela Chalmers, a pharmacist at Boots, told Sky News that: “Not many people realise that those one or two crafty cigarettes a day can still cause long term damage to your health” and that’s probably way the habit seems harmless in their eyes.

In fact, I know many people who believe that smoking a cigarette goes well with drinking and that’s why every time they go out they tend to light up a cigarette, even though they state to be non smokers. Smoking ages skin particularly of the face, so that it is not difficult to tell whether someone is a secret smoker or not. Does that sound like anyone you know?

(Don’t worry, the comments are anonymous)

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